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Feng Shui – Feng means Wind & Shui means water and is an ancient metaphysical science founded in China over 3,000 years ago. The legend begins after a great flood occurred and the people sensing the river god (“Lo”) was angry was upset. So the people gave offerings and sacrifices. None seemed to work but each after each offering was made a Turtle appeared from the river. On its shell was a curious pattern of 3x3 squares that added up to 15 no matter the way you added it up. The people then were inspired to offer 15 sacrafices and the river god was placated. The pattern see Fig 2 became known as the bagua and the foundation of the iChing. Its practical application strives to understand man’s relationship with the environment around us.
Feng Shui sees time as cyclical. The foundation of this cycle is the understanding of Yin and Yang and the Five element theory; from these teachings came the Form Branch, and the Compass Branch which uses the Flying Star and The Eight mansions techniques, (known as the Classical Form). Many of the Chinese royalty knew of Feng Shui’s power and kept it for themselves. The Forbidden City in Beijing was built in 1406-1420 by eight Feng Shui masters during the Ming Dynasty and its analysis was used to decide on the placement of castles, palaces and cities for centuries.
For centuries, teaching the secrets to the masses was outlawed and it wasn’t until 907A.D. when Master Yang Yun Sang, a monk in the Tang Dynasty fled the royal court and began teaching it to the common people, did the practice become more widespread. Master Sang’s nickname became “Save the poor”. Unfortunately, other Branches began that diluted or diverted the true teachings with superstition and other falsehoods leaving people confused and thinking Feng Shui is a pseudoscience. The Classical form still lives on in these schools:
Form School – Reading the land, it’s flow of Qi and it’s effects on man.
Flying Star – a chart for the Qi in your home or office and its influence on you.
Eight Mansions – Your personal best directions for Abundance and health.